#even if it's just a short cute thing X3
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resonatingmuses · 11 months ago
She got her brush and all her hair products to Hope's tent. As Hope suggested the other day to brush her hair, Lucina took her offer and came for some girls' talk. "Are you free right now?"
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Hope turned at the sound of her friend's voice. "Lucina! Of course!" Seeing what Lucina had brought Hope grabbed a stool in her tent and motioned to Lucina to come sit.
"Do mind if I braid your hair?" Hope asked, pulling out some of the hair-ties she brought with her.
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urbanqhoul · 3 months ago
im not into dandys world at all but it doesn make me curious what were your inspirations if any what led you to come up with the whole concept of this world and the main characters designs?
I actually already made a post on this~!
but that post is a bit over a year old and is from before I even fully settled on Whimsy's Rem World as a title n fully developed what i wanted the world to be soooo we're gonna get an update ramble! :3 gonna put it as a read more because its looong
I first made whimsy specifically so i could have a fresh character to use when I made this old video first concept designs for whimsy looked more like the original design for angel cuz I wanted to theme him off a forget me not flower- buuut I found a rainbow kidcore flower would be more fun n fit my aesthetic preferences Since the audio for the vid had religious/cult themes I also had a concept for him resembling a biblically accurate angel- but that didn't feel totally right to me either and I didn't wanna let go of the the rainbow flower idea cuz its cute. So I combined the two and had a dude with wings on his head buuut they're tucked behind his head most of the time so they resemble a flower still :3 Whimsy's design hasn't really changed much since he was first made, its mostly just been me adjusting how I draw him personally. Angel was originally made with the unused idea's for Whimsy cuz I still liked em n wanted to use em. in the original concept for the story (which is entirely scrapped now this is not canon but this is the storyline the original non canon old af shorts went by)
Angell was a literal angel and kinda acted like a parasite that originally lived inside of whimsy. He was and still is themed off a forget me not flower and had pale rainbow petals since he leached off whimsy.
When I scrapped the og storyline he changed into more of a love interest/companion for Whimsy rather then his original more antagonistic role n both him and whimsy's backstories were completely redone. I was also considering the world to be an in universe kids TV show at first but I didn't really thing much through at the time so it was kinda a mess eventually I decided that I wanted to make a more proper thought through storyline for Whimsy that I could make something out of so I yeeted all the original story ideas annnnd now it takes place in the Dream Realm (Called Rem) cuz I really like weirdcore/dreamcore aesthetic and I felt making it a dreamworld would give me a lot more room to kinda add in whatever weird nonsensical visual shit I wanted that normally wouldn't make much sense. X3 long ass ramble but that was basically the early WRW main character n world development process wOO
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okartichoke · 2 months ago
Psst.... *slides this across table to you*
[note from future me: HEY EVERYONE GO READ THIS FIC !!! :DDD]
"In the laughing rivulets that filled his chest, it whispered maybe." I LOVE this sentence. This whole section is so vivid and MMMMMM
"He felt, and felt, and felt and there was barely even Phoenix anymore, just a haunted angry thing choking on feelings and moving on instinct." This quote isn't even half a page down from the last but there's genuinely already like a billion lines like this that are just spectacular; that with so few words move me so deeply
"She knelt beside the threadbare couch and took his hand, and begged him to get up. Said she’d be a better daughter... " OFIEJOIJWEFOEWA AND THAT'S NOT TO EVEN MENTION THE THE NEXT PARAGRAPH WITH TRUCY which actually made my eyes prick with tears
I really like the way you write Larry btw ! [edit from 30 minutes later me: i like how u write everyone actually x3,, fran and miles get special shoutouts too]
"—A voice in his dreams, it sounded like Mia" OFJEWOIAJFEOIFJDLFJOSJFELS
the little bit with everyone saying bye got me to chuckle xDD
OKAY CHAPTER 1 DONE!!!! CRYPTID.. CRYPTIID..... OMG... i knew this was going to be a good read but AHHH i loved it sm x333 you're dialogue is so fun. like the conversations feel real, and they go off on little tangents in really charming ways,, i really enjoyed the little moments like Maggey excitedly talking about being suspected a second time, or Phoenix holding the phone far from his ear during his call with Fran. (and that's just to name a couple examples) (ALSO FRAN CARING SO MUCH <333 I LOVE OMG) okokok onto chapter 2
wait oops i got sucked in and forgot to take live notes LOL,, anyways this comment is about the little reactions from Phoenix in regards to Miles' idiosyncracies,, specifically (in regards to MIles' grabbing his bicep) "That old habit. The Phoenix of a year ago would have ached at the sight. Current Phoenix just ached." and "Miles had gotten more expressive with his hands since his time away in Germany. Phoenix thought it suited him." I loved these inclusions so so so so much. it's like, despite everything, phoenix still cares so deeply. OH OH AND NOW PHOENIX LIGHTLY SCOLDING EDGEWORTH AGUHHH I LOVE !!! I LOVE !!
"'Yeah, you’re a pompous ruffly ass'" lmao
i guess i have a soft spot for phoenix and trucy's relationship bc woah here i am tearing up again at phoenix talking about her <333 you write him exactly how i imagine him <33
holy shit. the way you (or, Edgeworth, i guess) describes Wright's flavor of honesty? you've put his character into words so eloquently.. god i love him and i love you for writing him so good omg. and then the end of that short monologue hits like a truck aughghhhooooghhh
CRYPPTTIIDIDDDXDD AUUGHHHHHH !!!!! i need to stress again just how much i love your style of writing !!!!111! 1 the banter is so alive and the levity throughout (despite Phoenix's emotional state) makes the moments of tenderness and of the characters proving how deeply they care for each other hit so hard,, this was wonderful !!! thank you for sharing w the fandom and with me!! :DDD LOOKING FORWARD TO CHAPTER 3 FOAIWEJFLAKJD
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years ago
femboy s/o hcs ; pastel meringue cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (15/03/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; pastel meringue cookie
outline ; “Hello love ^^ May I request a pastel meringue cookie x male reader (femboy reader if possible 👉👈) who also really likes frilly and pastel color outfits? I think it’s so cute that we get to have a male cookie who’s into cute pink stuff like me!!
Maybe pastel meringue makes cute outfits for his male s/o to try on and even asks his s/o to model his outfits for other cookies to see because he just wants to show how pretty his partner is x3”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
you two are 100% a match made in heaven
like pastel meringue has finally found his ideal partner and his ideal model in one person, and you’ve found someone who shares your love of all things cute and that can provide you with the outfits you love to wear
he starts making and designing clothing with you and your tastes in mind to the extent that it feels wrong to have any other model wear it
but that’s hardly a downside since he loves showing you off to other people — and he loves seeing you in clothes he’s designed
most of his designs are incredibly intricate and expensive to create, which translates to long hours spent in his office and his work room
but when he’s working he loves having you around to bounce ideas off of and just chat to
which also means plenty of discussions are had over a tray of confections and a good few cups of tea — usually consisting of you both fawning over each other, his designs and throwing ideas back and forth as to how you could make each item cuter
he’ll base everything off of your proportions — every skirt or dress, every blouse or blazer, every pair of shorts or stockings
everything is styled on you
and all of it’s made in pastel with plenty of frills and other fancy details, of course
he thinks you’re the cutest thing ever and insists on taking you with him to every gala and competition and runway and business gathering to show you off
which, of course, means plenty of new outfits designed with the sole purpose of demonstrating how wonderful you look (and how exceptional his skills as a designer are)
you do have matching outfits, of course, but he loves seeing you in things that he wouldn’t normally wear (usually due to the restrictions of his work)
like, for example, he thinks you look awesome in skirts and designs them for you often — but because he works around machinery a lot he doesn’t want to run the risk of getting distracted and catching his clothes in a machine, so he wouldn’t wear them himself
the frillier the outfit the better and there can never be too many layers are basically his life mottos when it comes to his work
so expect a lot of intricate, detailed, cute clothes to be added to your wardrobe
he also brags about you a lot to other people, always mentioning how cute his boyfriend is and how amazing you look in his clothes — even pointing you out when you’re modelling to show off how proud he is of you
this is a hill he’s willing to die on and he’s gotten into arguments with a good few people who aren’t too fond of your shared love of a cutesy aesthetic
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nymphrasis · 5 months ago
Now that I have caught up on your jaw-dropping art I missed, I have an important question.
*Holds out Bowl*
Please may I have some of your AMAZING SKILL AT ART. Even but a drop would be a blessing. Your art is so cute and pretty. You even can do animations and such so well. Nymph you are Godly!!! 😊
VALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HIHI >w<! This is me when you made such a request!
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I 100% WOULD BE WILLING TO DONATE ANY ART SKILL THAT I COULD, HAD IT BEEN POSSIBLE TT0TT!!! Thank you so much, ahhhhhh. Your words are super kind and has already made my day <3!!! I really try the best I could! As for animation, they are still practice but I am happy with how they've turned out nwn! I have already admitted this to a few people, where I have stated for mouth movements I use the example of my own mouth ( See what words cause what direction of openness my mouth goes, see how far the chin goes down depending on how short or long I open my jaws, ect. The thing I did forgot is cheeks being pushed slightly during certain speeches. But that is fine for next time! ). With the Kuruna lemon meme, when her paws was going up, I had to use my own hands to see how to make the paw be folded up and moved back to make it seem like it makes sense xd. I am not aiming for crazier movements yet! I do still need to continue to practice more with simpler stuff first! I do plan to watch animation tutorials to learn other movements! Like something I do want to do is a simple ear flick for Kuruna! But I admittedly am struggling on how to make that look ( Esp considering I have not seen an animated ear that has large inner ear fluff. This case being her soot ear fluff! ). I do want to make the eye on the ear fluff change expression, as a sort of reaction to the ear it is in being flicked! Animation is something I am not super consistent in! It is on and off, here and there. It really just stuck with me because I grew up with Flipnotes ( Like the old 2008/ 2009 DS flipnote release era ) ;w;
I have never been the greatest but I have done practices and used others flipnotes as a teaching system for myself :D! Hence why mouth movement is something I feel best at, but do still need practice on!
That and there was a point and time where I've wanted to animate cartoon! Doesnt matter what type of cartoon ( As long as it isnt incite hatefulness towards a particular group or encourage irl harm. Those sort of stuff. Oh and I dont want to do cartoons that gives out a heavy religion message because, well, I dont believe in those things xd. Funny considering my main story has angels and demons, heaven and hell existing. While I may not believe in them, I dont mind using them in just fun fiction x3 )
But, ah, I am rambling again--
Thank you for the ask, as I just woke up ( Real late ) and it has plastered the biggest of smiles on my face ;;w;; As mentioned earlier, I would love to donate a piece of my art skill, if it were possible ;3;
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the-silver-peahen-residence · 11 months ago
||An Officer's corruption part seven||
Hi dears, It's time for another part to this short au: Officer and criminals Au with demon mun's muses and mine. X3 So here you go with a new chapter added to this. I hope you like.
Part one
Part two ((NSFW warning))
Part three
Part four ((NSFW warning))
Part Five
||OVA Chapters|| ((My friend Demon mun is writing for the series))
OVA part one
Part Six ((NSFW Warning))
((Your reading part seven))
||Drabble summary||
Jaron and Melinda has seen first hand of the two violent prisoners but it worries them. Even Jaron was noticing other prisoners looking at the females even some eyeing Melinda too. Though, he figures it's nothing. Or was it? In the meantime, Fin was worried due to Winter but Ahmed also was silent regarding his prisoner, Summer. What will happen during this? Read to find out.
~Violence or a fight is present in this drabble
~Possessive behavior will be present
~Some Nsfw might be present (May involve drug use being spoken of and used, seduction, temptation, sexual toys being spoken of, and other stuff not safe for younger ones to read. Don't read if your under 18 I mean that)
~Suggestive activity is present in this
~Heavy marking/biting is present in this
~Blood is spoken of in this
||Guests in Drabble||
Jaron Jackal, Fin Reer, Pierece and his boys, Haliee, and Kali. belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths Also Kisho belongs to her but is from the side blog @chunibyo-x-sorcerer
Melinda brooks, Rex oxford mills, Summer, and Winter are my OCs that belong to me and the same for Sukuna Ryomen, Yuji itadori, Megumi Fushiguro comes from Jujutsu Kaisen but also me due to having him as a muse.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
It was morning right now, seeing that Melinda was doing a prisoner number call making sure all the prisoners were present. She was given the work of doing this with Haliee and the other women officers since most didn't want to. Due to the fact these guys sometimes flirt or dog call the female that is doing this. Though, if it was a female prison, they would do the same to the guys here.
Though, most of them were almost wagging their tails seeing the new female helping out. Even if she was, she was pretty cute. Black long hair that looked good for grabbing, plump in the right places, her hips looked soft just like her thighs. Her cute silver eyes were really present even the kissable lips too. Man who ever was dating her is lucky.
'Ohhhhh she is freaking cute. I would love to make her my pet..'
'Those hips though..they look pretty plump...'
'Nice sized tits too. True, most of the other ladies are nice though they gotten use to the flirting. This is fresh meat.'
'Damn it, I so wanna grope those tits!'
"99....100...102...and....103.....Hmmmm, that should be all of them Haliee. All 103 prisoners accounted for right now." Melinda looks to her seeing the check list but she nods to take it.
"Got it. I'll let Fin know all prisoners are here and accounted for." she said but Melinda nods before facing the prisoners. "Okay gentlemen. Your now allowed to head to the prison yard for your daily exorcise routine or rest up till lunch. Please be sure you don't start any fights while doing so. The other officers will lead you outside now." Melinda saw them mutters a bit but sees other officers leading them out while heading outside.
Melinda sees this but sighed, having her arms crossed. Even though, she didn't know some were already thinking about either trying to find a way to get her part of the whole thing.
"I can't believe they behaved but that's scary." Melinda hearing one officer say nervous.
"What do you mean?"
"W..well, most times they would be flirting and howling at the female that is doing the head count but..maybe it's just me." she said nervous to make Melinda curious. That was strange. She knew Jaron, Fin, and Ahmed were leading the prisoners out side for their daily exercise run but she only looks to still be quiet.
"As I said little brother, you three just have to wait a bit longer. The lawyer should be coming soon or I'm hoping more sooner if that idiot wishes to keep his damn job." Sukuna was drinking some rum in his office while looking out to New York City. He did find this place to be rather nice.
'Yeah, I know big brother but I hope the asshole hurries up. It's sorta boring being kept here but..it's not too bad for now.' Yuji said in his cell waiting to head out for the day. He heard Megumi giving him another warning to behave over the new few hours who was shaking nervous. He was pinned against the wall while looking up at Megumi.
'C..come on Megumi please..I said I'll behave just like you told me. I'll behave....and not-'
'I know...you better. I already gave you a warning last night and I'm giving another one today..you slip up...' Megumi looks down at him but shows a few toys in his hand even when one hand was rubbing against his twitching hole making Kisho shake worse. 'You know what happens don't you? I also heard over stimulation makes someone really go crazy. I'm willing to try it on you.' he chuckled darkly making Kisho shake seeing them.
'Y..Yes si..s...sir...I understand..' he said but Sukuna didn't hear this speaking with Yuji.
"I see. Though, I will be going up there to check on you myself and speak with Miss Warden Ger. I hear she's a pretty cute tough chick.." he teased.
'Oh yeah she is. Most of the prisoners are a bit picky towards her but she's not too bad when you get to know her.' he said but that's when he heard Sukuna sigh.
"Well, I'll let you go but hang in there. As long as you do as I say and you three don't cause a problem you will be out sooner. I'll speak to you later." he said before hanging up. Yuji did the same on his end but looks to the two while Megumi backs up for a flushed Kisho shaking now however, it would be almost time for them to be called for head count.
Sukuna lowers the phone and keeps looking out while drinking some of his rum. Well, seems they were alright as long as they behaved so no worries. Now he's wondering of today.
~~~~~~AT Fin's Prison/Main office~~~~~~~
"So that's the situation huh? I hope your not over thinking due to that woman and the temptation....you know she's dangerous Fin." Ahemd looks seeing Fin thinking but he was silent right now.
"Yeah, I know.."
Ever since Winter was brought here, he was the one that took the responsibility to watch over her. True, at first her file didn't seem to bad but when he read it, she did a lot in the black market. Being a second in command and killing so many hound dogs in areas for money. Yeah, no big red flag there!
However, what's worse is how she tends to seduce him and knowing she was a demon or a fallen one. He knew that even from that, she had......dark forbidden blood in her. It was not like other were or other types here in prison and hers was the one that burned his nose. He knew when she spilled it, that made him either wish to bite her or.....shaking his head, he closed his eyes but Ahemd said nothing.
"I'm good, I'm good. Though, what of Summer? Has she-"
"No. I've checked on her this morning. Right now, she's in her own prison yard right now but she had no idea Winter is here too. Keeping them apart is best plan because we know if they knew they were here, it would turn into a bloodbath." he warns and Fin knew that too. Those two were dangerous. Deadly. But....dangerously beautiful at the same time.
Ahemd knew but Fin sighed to look at him. "And I guess she also tempted you too?" he asked.
"You know even if fallen demons tend to have different blood types it's not bad. If you look that hungry.." Summer leans onto the metal cell bar doors exposing her neck a little. Her eyes were glowing in the darkness of the cell while baring her own canine teeth.
"Why not have a taste?"
"Enough with your tricks, Summer. I only came to see if you were alright and clearly you are. I'm-"
"Your so boring at times being all high and mighty. Besides, I said I would behave right? I'm good...at times." she lets the prison shirt go but looks to him. "Though, I wonder how long can you resist wanting to try it out. Why not have a little fun?..Give into the sinful desires that a were like you is. I know our blood is calling out to one another...aching for us to at least bite and claim what we want...."
"And I know right now...your aching to know~"
"....Ahemd?" he snaps out of it but clears his throat.
"In a way but it wouldn't work. I know she tends to try anything to make another do what she says. She's tricky just like her friend. For now, as we agreed we need to keep on guard even if those two are dangerous..they are not to be trusted."
Fin knew that but looking to his desk, he still remembers just like him. Two of them were dangerous and Rex trained them well. However, given the thought of the two in their minds, this was going to be hard for now.
~~~~~~~Outside in the prison yard~~~~~~~~~
Jaron was keeping a eye on them but sees none of them tired anything so that was good. He did try to check on his friends saying they were alright. Even Ink was good. Though, he sweatdrops hearing she was going to be meeting with the six men she is assigned to later on. He just hopes she stays safe.
Wit ha sigh, he keeps a eye out along with other guards who were keeping guard as well. Seems everything was alright so far but nothing else was wrong. Even from that, a few were speaking or talking.
"So I heard the helping officer is sexy as hell. You said she wasn't like others or used to be?" A demon prisoner asked seeing a half vampire nod.
"It's true. I can tell from her scent. She used to be a pure blood demon but...maybe it has something to do with the Nagu freaks that roam at Central park. They get a lot of them now a days. But I heard one or a few bit her way back infecting her blood and changing it. Their venom is deadly but it's rare for a demon to live through it or stay sane. Seems like she was fine even after." he explains seeing the others think.
"That might explain that delicious scent coming from her. Man, makes me wanna eat her up if ya get what I mean." he grins seeing the other guys agreeing.
"Now now, she isn't a weak female to look down at. She is pretty deadly even if she comes from the Cursed vixens police station. Those woman are dangerous just like the others around New York. I heard the police station in Philly is strong and another one but it's some sort of a crazier one. The one in New Jersey in the forest."
"Oohhhhh I heard of that one."
"Uhhh guys, were getting off topic. You were saying the woman or that officer is different so what explains the change in scent?"
"As I said, her blood. Her scent remains unchanged because no guy has tried to mark her. She's new to this and given most of you are like half were demons, her scent will drive many crazy. Like a drug but sexual wise." he explains looking to see Melinda standing guard while making sure the others were okay.
"Meaning, she's up for grabs if one was to show dominance over her..." he chuckled.
"And how are we gonna do that. She's pretty smart so it would be hard to do that." one said that the one speaking smiles.
"It won't be. I think I have something that could help." he said reaching to show a bag of some medicine inside. The prisoners blinks to look then at him.
"Dude, how did you get drugs-"
"It's not that sort of drug. These will make her ripe for the picking that no other were or someone having animal demon blood in them can resist. If she was to swallow one or we can inject her. She would be a weak wet mess. Though, given to her. I know the other females in this place know and took all dangerous illegal drugs out. But not her which is why I was saving these. She can't be that bad to tame."
Well, he was wrong.
Melinda kept looking out seeing the prisoners doing their thing before she checks her watch. She wonders if Jaron was alright on his side knowing he and her were working together during this. Adjusting her uniform, she was just keeping a eye out when she saw one prisoner flirting with a female officer. "????"
The other looked nervous trying to tell him to back up but he only grins looking down at her like a cute trapped bunny. He even touches her cheek making her hit his hand away. Frowning, Melinda goes to deal with it.
"Oh come on baby, I won't bite. How about you and me have some fun hmm? No one is watching." He seems to be a top dog in a gang while his boys were looking at her who was shaking.
"I told you to leave me alone. You are invading my personal space." she said but he only smiled to lean in holding her chin.
"And who says that? Besides, that asshole warden isn't here. So why not stop fighting me..and let me have you." he said.
"I..I said no...let me alone you brute!" she said about to hit him but he grabs her wrist seeing he chuckled. "!?"
"Nice try love." he said about to kiss her until...
"Hey! She said let her go. I don't think she needs to repeat herself."
The guys along with the leader heard to see Melinda there. She was walking over as he looks to see the female officer nervous. Wait, wasn't that the new prey?
"I beg your pardon miss? I'm not doing anything..just having a nice talk." he said.
"Uh huh and your scaring her. I said let her go.. "she warns but the prisoner sighed and lets her go seeing her quickly rush away to hide behind Melinda.
"You alright?" she asked seeing the female nod. However, the prisoners were smiling seeing her.
"And it seems we are greeted by Miss Officer brooks herself. What's a beauty like you doing here? Did you come to play?" he grins but Melinda sighed.
"No. But I would ask you men to behave yourselves. This is not some rough house for you all to act like wild animals." she said even if the leader grins to look down at her.
"Is that right hmm? Well, we are just having some fun we weren't going to do anything. Right boys?" he said seeing them nodding. However, he smiled to look away. "But we'll leave if you wish....but would you like us to? You look so cute." he said as Melinda looks to the female officer who got nervous but Melinda ushes her to leave as she did quickly.
"As I said, please behave yourself...this is not a wild dog house." she said but that's when the group surrounds her but the leader smiled looking at her.
"We know..but it tends to get boring once in a while. We try to make things fun and cool..or better..interesting." he smirked as he looks to Melinda that he even reaches to cup her cheek. His hands were big and yet she said nothing.
"Though, a cutie like you seems to not mind it. We would love to get to know you if you get what I mean.." he said but Melinda reaches to remove his hand from her face.
"I rather not. Now if you excuse me, I still have patrol to do. Just don't do anything else dumb." she said about to leave when the guy traps her to look at her.
"I don't think you get what I mean pretty lady. I said we wanna have a little fun. You do know your not like the other women here even with your scent driving some crazy. You clearly are a different breed..one that I would like to take up.......if you don't tend to fight back that is..." he said but Melinda said nothing to look down but she looks up glaring at him.
"I suggest you back up.." she warns.
"How about you make me?" he teased now lifting her head up to look at him. "You are not like them..I know because your scent is sweeter and heavier.....maybe it's due to the fact you have tainted blood......" he teased but Melinda only remains silent.
"I said let me go...or you'll regret it..." she warns but he smiled to laugh.
"And how are you going to do that?" he said gripping her chin now. However, as he was about to kiss her, something was off. He looks to see her silver eyes slowly changed to blood red. "????"
"Alright, that should be good. And lunch should be close. I guess we can let them rest up a while longer." One officer said to Jaron who agreed. He saw Fin's boys were still keeping watch on some of the prisoners. However, while they were doing that, a few heard running and panting.
"H..Hey! Help! Help!!"
Jaron blinks to look seeing one of the female guards from this morning who ran looking tired. One of the boys checks to see if she was alright.
"Hey, what's wrong? You alright?" Pierce said as the female looks.
"I'm okay but..you have to come and help! Some of the prisoners including a gang is messing and picking a fight with officer brooks!"
This got Jaron's eyes to widen. "What!?"
Right away, he with the others rushes to find her with the female officer following. The other prisoners were confused but heard some cheering on the other side. Inside, Fin and Ahemd heard. What the hell was going on?!
Now both of them rushes to check it out. This also caught the attention of Summer and Winter who was relaxing in a private yard. Now what could that be?
Jaron rushes to hurry and hope to find Melinda and prey she was alright. Pierce and the other boys were following him down the hallway of the prison to the west side of the prison.
"So wait, one of the gangs were hitting on you?" Pierce asked seeing her nod.
"Yes. However, Melinda got me away before they tried anything. I'm worried about her! They are not like the others here in prison. I don't know if that creep will do something to her." she said but this only got Jaron worried but deep down, something also was felt. Was it anger or jealous of another male being close to her? Right now, he had to be sure she was alright.
In a way, the group made it to the west side seeing a group crowding around as if a fight was happening. He did hear some grunts of pain and punches giving the worry of a fight!
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" Pierce shouted growling at the prisoners while they or some moved showing the fight. It turns out some of the gang members were knocked out but the head leader was trying to catch Melinda. However, she was too quick for him only getting caught in a hold. Though, she wasn't touching him. That's right, she was using her telekinesis to stop him.
"What the fuck!? How are you doing this!?" he growls trying to move but Melinda sighed to lower her hand that made the guy slam face down into the ground.
"That's none of your business. I told you to behave and here you are acting like some wild dog. I suggest you listen." she warns with her hand glowing silver however, her eyes were blood red and not silver anymore. The leader growls at her before hearing a whistle blow showing Ahemd and Fin arriving.
"What the fuck is going on here!?" he said as the crowd mutters but Melinda sighed to look at Fin.
"Sorry. This bozo was causing a problem given the fact he was flirting with one of your officers. Though, it seems they were trying something else." she said but Fin looks to her then at the guy and his gang.
"Ughhhh again with you huh? Guys, take him to the detention floor." he said as some goes to grab and put them in hand cuffs. Even the leader who struggles before Melinda lets her hold go on him when he was.
"Damn it! Let go!" he roars but was forced to move before looking back. "I'll get you back for this missy. I'll be sure I make you mine!" he shouted.
Wait, what the hell? Hearing this got Jaron quiet but what did he mean by that? He looks to see Melinda sigh as she calms down but something was off. Thanks to his own senses, he goes to check on her.
"Melinda, you alright?" Jaron asked holding her shoulders but she blinks to look at him.
"Don't worry I'm alright, Jaron." she smiled with eyes closed but can you blame him? He was worried when hearing this but he only sighed to look at her.
"Okay, I just wanna be sure you were alright." he said.
"Trust me, I'm alright. Though, seems lunch is almost ready for the prisoners. Should we go ahead and call them back inside?" she asked but Jaron looks then gives a light nod.
He lets her shoulders go but he now was worried. Remembering what that guy said, he was nervous thinking or having a idea of what he means. He would get at her and now something else bothered him....
A musky ill like smell came from Melinda when the guy touched her. It irritated his nose though being a jackal has it's perks. Even this one. Remaining quiet, Jaron didn't like this feeling. He had to be sure she stays safe..but something else was picking at his mind...who the hell this guy thinks he was. He wouldn't let him take her or hurt her.
"..Uhhh Jaron, you okay?" Fin asked but he sighed to shake his head.
"Yeah..Yeah, I'm good." he said to him hearing a alarm go off showing it was time for the prisoners to head back inside. While doing that, Jaron was lost in thought.
'I think I'll have to be sure she is safe. I don't tend to get violent..but I can let it slide till then. I can't let these creeps do anything to her or me for that matter....even if this place has females their mostly officers..guess it was too dangerous for them. Ughh, what am I saying? I need to focus on Melinda and be sure she stays away from that creep...' he thought but as he did, the hat he was wearing hid his upper face that his eyes glowed.
Yeah, it seems he was angry that another touched Melinda. He wouldn't let that slide. However, the ones that saw the fight was shocked and the vampire smiling.
Seems he was right. Her blood was tainted but it gives them a chance..she was up for the picking.
"Hey! Uhhh....Warden Kinie said you have a visitor.."
Rex looks from doing some stretching from his cell to let go. Due to his dangerous nature, he was kept away from the other prisoners in this damn place. The last time he was in the same cell holding hallways, he ended up starting fights. So it was ordered that he was kept in a personal one.
Away from the rest.
"..A visitor? and who could that be?" he asked only for the guard to get nervous seeing his eyes from the cell.
"I...Umm....I can't say who but she will be coming to check on you due to the request. Just d..don't do anything funny." he said that Rex only crosses his arms scaring the other more.
"I see....Fine, I'll do my best..not to. Depends if I don't think about clawing them up first." he said that the guard gulps.
"R...Right! I'll just..I'll let her know you know.." quickly, the guard leads to leave Rex to wonder who this was. He might have a guess it's one of the police officers or maybe one of the females. Even so, he only sits down to wait almost like a good boy. He looks to see the sun still out this afternoon while hearing the commotion from outside.
~~~~~~In the Prison yard~~~~~~~
"Oh come on Megumi, I said I was sorry! Can you blame me for wanting to know. Besides, I wonder where Officer Violet is.." he looks around seeing she isn't here but maybe she was just doing something after the roll call.
"Oh stop worrying about it. I'm sure she's fine." Megumi said but Yuji was bored eating some snack they had for the prisoners. However, he did look to see that the other new officers were speaking before seeing Jinx finally show up.
"You sure your alright Jinx? Why were you-"
"It's nothing! Just trying to get up for another day." Jinx laughed waving her hand even if Kali sweatdrops and Ink smiling happily.
"That's good to know! I can't wait to see what today holds for us!"
"STOP ACTING ALL HAPPY ABOUT IT DAMN IT! DX" Kali shouted at the two bonking their heads. Both yelp from that wincing but only laughed nervously knowing how she was. However, Yuji saw Jinx again but a smile shows on his face. Yeah, she still was pretty cute even so...he already took more of a liking to her.
However, the boys sees her going to them but sees if they were good. "Morning guys! Are you guys doing alright?"
"We are miss thanks for asking!" Kisho smiled even if Jinx was too, deep down she was still shocked from what she saw last night. Megumi looks to give a light nod of good morning and Yuji smiled with a wave.
"Yes. I figure today should be another day right. Well, giving the fact that everything else is. Oh well..."
"Oh come on, you should at least be happy on this day. The sun is out and everything is rather nice." she said happily to them but the three looks to her then at one another.
"She's got a point." Megumi said.
"True. The sun is always nice when it's out though I heard it's going to rain and storm later. Talk about a cut off." Kisho sighed.
"Oh come on Kisho it's fine. Even though that will happen we will be inside." he said but he knew that.
"True but at least it's nice now." Jinx said to them. As the three nods to agree, she blinks hearing something from outside the gate. A few of the prisoners were looking seeing some car driving through and parking. It seems like someone was visiting the prison?
"Uhhhh Hey, that car looks familiar. Hey, Yuji isn't that someone from you brother in the-"
That's when he got another nudge painfully to the side as he yelps hissing.
"Huh?" Jinx blinks but Megumi sighed.
"It's nothing. You know how Kisho tends to be...don't you Kisho?" he said in a quiet tone but giving the look in his eye, Kisho was nervous.
"R..right right! Nevermind! Just a thought!" he said laughing nervously but he already knew he fucked up.
'Oh shit..Megumi is going to wreck me again after that slip up.....' he thought as Jinx thinks a little wondering. "Hmmmmm..."
~~~~~~~~~In another location~~~~~~~~~
"So you are worried too?" Breezy asked Vivi but she nods.
"Shdwkyz hasn't answered my calls and I'm worried. I take it Rust too?" she saw Breezy nod but sighs. They been on patrol for a while but given the fact they heard nothing from the two it worried them.
"Maybe their still doing missions knowing how it is." she said.
"That might be true but we don't know that Breezy. I think we should check on them to be sure. I get the feeling something is up. Even with weird behavior in the other prisons right now." Vivi remembers from a morning report from the other wardens of the prisoners behaving differently. But she was more worried about Shdwkyz and Breezy worried about Rust.
"How about this? We go check on them when we can. We have to see if they were alright. Deal?" Breezy said but Vivi sighed to nod.
So the two agreed to do that but when they do, they might be in for a surprise.
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homestuckexamination · 2 years ago
'Librarian' seems pretty ok to me. From what I remember, most of the shown ancestor titles are 8-letters long because some of them are told by a Serket. Doc Scratch was also the other one to reveal some titles. I'm not sure if it's just a case of someone that tends to write things w/ eight and a being that just wants to follow a writer's quirk or if it's an actual rule for "The XXXX" format to have 8 letters.
I know it's just a convention started by Mindfang, and one that's not even followed by everyone- Her Imperious Condescension and The Grand Highblood don't follow this rule- And while The Condesce does, it's a shortening of Condescension, and written like a Lowblood Title in a spiteful manner. But I do like trying to stick to it as closely as possible. I've also had someone mention 'Archivist' instead of 'Librarian', which is fun too. X3
lol. when you're so nerdy that even other Homestuck nerds call you 'The Nerdling'
I find it cute if nothing else. 😌 I am a nerd, and I am short, so-
So are you decided on nerdling?
I am not, however, decided on it, honestly. X3
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countlessrealities · 2 years ago
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@imprvdente sent: checklist! For Fish & Rick My muse's checklist
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I find you to be:
[x] interesting
[x] cute [[ He thinks that Fish has her cute moments, even if he would never openly call her that xD ]]
[x] attractive
[x] sexy
[ ] reassuring
[ ] intimidating
[x] annoying [[ No matter how friendly they become and how many times they fuck, she'll always manage to get on his nerves xD It's the base of their relationship x3 ]]
[ ] tedious
[ ] terrifying
I think we should:
[ ] talk more
[x] hang out more [[This is something else he doesn't say out aloud, but he enjoys spending time with her for the most. Instead of telling or asking, he just takes her to places with some excuse xD ]]
[ ] date
[ ] adopt each other as found family
[ ] fight (friendly) [[ Again, this is the foundation of their relationship xD bickering over every fucking thing that gives them a decent excuse xD ]]
[x] fight (hostile) [[ Both because they butt heads a lot and can get pretty intense when they do and because angry sex can be a lot of fun -shrug emoji- ]]
[ ] avoid each other if at all possible
If we spent an evening together we would:
[x] just hang out [[ As above, he does enjoy spending time with her and just doing things xD ]]
[x] talk about deep stuff [[ this is something that would rarely happen, but since they are similar in a lot of (bad) ways, I could see them having short but meaningful conversations regarding things that happened because of said traits / habits / behaviours. Not openly offering / asking for advice, but subtly letting each other know that they could, if the other wants / needs it ]]
[ ] cuddle
[ ] go to bed together (to sleep)
[x] go to bed together (to… not sleep)
[x] go out and party till sunrise
[x] both get arrested [[ no one can tell me this wouldn't happen xD even if, well, between Rick's portal gun and Fish's Door, they have an easy way out xD ]]
[ ] probably wind up killing each other
If we kissed it would be:
[ ] a chaste press of lips
[x] a playful smooch [[ When they are in a more flirtatious mood / teasing each other ]]
[ ] swift and stolen
[ ] deep, sweet, and sincerely meant
[x] all teeth and tongue and hot as heck
[x] not happening
If I woke up and found you unexpectedly in my bed I would:
[ ] cuddle you
[x] offer you breakfast [[ She's there, and Beth always makes too much for the five of them, so why not xD Plus, Summer and Morty would bitch at him if he just kicked her out ]]
[x] attempt to seduce flirt with you [[ Again, she's there...why no trying to get something out of it? xD ]]
[ ] kick you out
[x] demand to know how you got there [[ He's paranoid af, so he would want to know what happened (even if, depending on how clothed they are, his first guess would be a drunk hook-up). This would come before the attempt at seduction xD ]]
[ ] scream
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aprivateplace7 · 2 months ago
Natlan Interlude quest let's go!
Iansan... interesting, i still don't know much of anything about her.
A sports coach... i remember that. Lol, guess she's also just short...? Doesn't seem like she's a child, but its still so weird. She looks the same age as Kachina...
"Mentally ill person" 💀
Aw, this is both sad & sweet...
The chief looks kinda cool... Cowboy coded.
That's completely fucked... but i guess it makes sense. The Abyss is more than just mindless monsters...
Lol, Traveler is just too awesome... We basically become a legend wherever we go x3
Its hard to believe we're 6/7 nations in... it feels like our "final goal", aka our sibling & The Abyss Order is still so far away... i mean, i know we're still gonna get Khaenri'ah, so Sneznihya (sorry spelling) won't be the *last* region, but still... i'm worried about it ofc, but i feel like the "point" of Genshin is a big journey. Like Mualani said in her quest, its not about the destination.
Iansan is actually saying some good stuff... i struggle w/ changing things too. Like i've fallen off brushing my teeth at night, or going to bed at a regular time, & its rly hard to get back into a healthy routine... also sometimes w/ things, like playing games, i just... over think it. I think i need to look up a bunch of guides & prep so i do everything perfectly, but i just need to cut that out & start doing it :v
I've been thinking lately... i'm more of a perfectionist than i thought. If i'm not confidant in smt, its hard to even start. I'd almost rather just not try at all... i hate doing things half-assed. It feels like if i can't give it my all, i might as well not even bother. I used to think that i wasn't 1 bc i'm fine w/ not getting all As or winning, but idk... this last trimester at school was rly hard 4 me...
Oh, hi Capitano O.o
Lol, he has a whole dramatic ost change...
Idk... i said last time that i still didn't like Capitano, & i still think his solution was short-sighted & stupid, but... well, maybe its just a Xiao situation :v he wants to help, he's just... kinda, not good socially ^^"
Yeah right... Capitano isn't exactly our "friend" :/ i understand that the Fatui isn't just the "big evil organization", but i still gen don't rly like them... i don't trust them, what tf is the Tsarisa trying to do...?
Oh wow, not gonna show us his face huh... i can guess :/ prob looks like a rotting corpse...
Oh right, i think i remember from the trailer, our ancient name... I haven't done that many quests, i wonder if that'll actually affect anything? :/
Yeah... i just looked & i only have 4 of the spots filled...
XD Kinich just yeeting Ajaw into the void will never not be funny.
...Kinich rly is pretty x3 i just have to look & smile whenever i see him, haha...
Ok no, it doesn't actually matter. I thought so...
This is kinda cool, like the Traveler is just uber awesome, they get a lot of titles & basically do everything, but i still think the ancient names stuff is just awesome. I wonder what ours will be...
Ah, i wanna know what everyone is saying too... that's cute tho. I think Paimon is kinda annoying, but like in a little sibling kinda way. I'm glad that she's with us.
Oh ok, so we don't get it yet...
Oh wow, alredy done? I've only been playing like an hr & 1/2... i guess it is an Interlude :v
Ok so... that was pretty peaceful, but idk i liked it... it was nice after Act 4. I still feel like Act 3 was pretty boring... idk why, i don't have anything in particular to complain about. It rly endeared me to Citlali, & Ororon was pretty cute/amusing but still... to me, it was just the worst act in Natlan. What's w/ the Act 3 curse? I didn't mind it so much, but i know ppl rly didn't like Fontaine Act 3 either... i don't remember Sumeru, but Inazuma Act 3 was the worst 1 too... but in that case it was bc that was b4 Hoyo allowed more acts to fully flesh out a story.
Anyway, ofc i'm def excited to see where this goes! Kinda disappointed that it was brought up, but we didn't actually get our Ancient Name yet...
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tonakuma · 2 months ago
What a way to start of 2025!!! With a tag for WIP Wednesday thank you so much @moriche x3 So I have no idea if I am doing this right cause I am coming back to tumblr and was unsure if I reblog or just repost xD I tag you, you and you! I got some writing done today. About 800 words which is a great start to 2025. I actually started off 2025 with the words
“Happy New Jarrr! You guys got it working!” Adora smiled as she looked at the somewhat staticy video feed
This was by design. I started writing at 11:30PM December 31st so I could ring in the new year with fic. And I wanted the first thing I wrote. Right at 12AM to be something Happy New Year esque. (Now I have to figure out what Jarrr is in lore because I panicked when typing at 12 am loool) Even tho it's for something WAAAAY far in the future. But for those of you who don't know I have been writing ALOT of She-ra and Infinity Nikki for fanfic stuff. Anyways now for an ACTUAL more long form WIP. This is from "Betwixt Relationships and Leaderships" (not yet posted and very WIP-ey xD). A cute moment during breakfast.
“Although I do miss your long hair,” Adora sighed. “It would be so fun to brush, and braid and just… caress.” The feel of Adora’s hands suddenly on her short hair caused her to pull away. She felt her face flush and the tips of her ears start to heat up just as much. “He… Hey! Not in front of our friends!” “Fighting like a married couple already I see.” Micah stepped into the room. “Hello Casta, I see we missed breakfast? Or at least the first serving anyways. And Glimmer don’t you have some royal duties to get up to.” Micah had nodded to a guard as the guard nodded back and moved away, presumably to the kitchen. “He iiiiis right Glim-jam,” Bow flicked her ear gently. “We’re already behind schedule from it all.” “Ugh fiiiine” Glimmer rolled her eyes, doing her best impression of Mermista. “But dad now that you’re here can’t you do most of this?”
It is wednesday my guys, gals and non-binary pals! First of all, a happy new year to everyone! I actually got a bit of writing done this week - hopefully I'll be able to treat everyone to a new chapter of Fear soon enough! I haven't really edited much yet, but I think I got the core of the transition scene finally done. Tagged by @sulphuricgrin @umbracirrus @skyrim-forever @hircines-hunter
And because I love seeing what everyone is up to and I like tagging folks: @thequeenofthewinter @truth-01001001-liar @pocket-vvardvark @illumiera @dei2dei @tafferling @unknownhomosapien @kat-tail @nyarevar @changelingsandothernonsense @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @oblivions-dawn @nuwanders @scorchedcandy @saltymaplesyrup @dirty-bosmer @ladytanithia @thenotebookwizard @tonakuma
If you want to get on or off Ms. Moriche's Wild Ride, please tag me or DM me and I'll make a note and add or remove you!
And also tagged are YOU! YES! YOU!
Ever since they’d left Balmora, every exchange between Veryn and Caius had been brief, each conversation carefully crafted to be as unoffensive as possible - and after five days of hiding behind a shield of measured politeness, Veryn could not stand it any longer. Caius’ quiet gaze lingered on his shoulders every night, as the spymaster silently studied the rites Veryn performed, challenging him, inviting him to speak up. “I threw my lot in with Azura,” Veryn said, wondering if this would bring him and Caius back at each others throat. “She’s supposed to care about Nerevar. After all, she cursed us Dunmer for his death. If I have to deal with her sooner or later, it might as well be sooner if she can save me from the madness of the Sixth House.” Did she curse the Three because they betrayed Nerevar? Or because they broke their oath to her? Caius nodded, too slow and too thoughtful and too unreadable. “I presume the Urshilaku Wise Woman taught you, then. Has it done you any good, so far?” How should he take Caius’ words? Were they meant as a genuine question? Were they a backhanded insult — an interpretation fueled by Veryn’s paranoia and distrust? He looked like hell and felt like it too, worn out by travel and worry, always on the move, never quite able to catch his breath. “Dagoth Ur hasn’t visited me since I started praying to Her.” Veryn traced the edge of the flat block of slate he’d used as a makeshift altar. “But apparently, sleeping better means that my body gets to catch up on my exhaustion of the past near decade. Besides, we’ll be at Mamaea tomorrow, and the nearer we get there, the worse I sleep. There’s something wrong about that place. That bone cavern I saw - the entire cave system reminds me of a long-dead corpse.” “It might be one.” Sharn had been watching them from near the campfire, her face cast aglow by the flickering flames. “It’s what people say about Necrom, the City of the Dead over on the Mainland. Mamaea might be another remnant of Vivec’s monstrous children, lost in the ash for millennia.”
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frostedsketches · 2 years ago
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Anthro-pony ToastedRose! The height difference doesn't stop these two from sharing clothes X3
“Rosebud. . . is that S'more's shirt?” Prismarine grunted, looking the pale yellow anthro-mare up and down disapprovingly.
Rosebud hugged the soft sky blue "Dog Dad" t-shirt to her defiantly, it was far too short and thus overlapping her slim black turtleneck, but wearing it felt like Toasted Marshmallow was there with her, wrapping her in a warm hug.
“It's warm and comfy like his hugs, and he hardly wears it anymore, which I think is a shame, but at least that means I get privilege to it.” The truth was that she had privilege to any of his shirts or jackets that she fancied, this one she just had the most access to, but such wasn't worth mentioning.
Of course knowing only of what she'd just told them, all present could accurately guess that for themselves, S'more was amazingly tolerant and no doubt didn't mind one bit her flaunting his appearal for herself.
“So you do this often, huh?” Diamond Crest smirked. Rosebud shrugged. “Usually at home. . .at night - it's amazing to sleep in, believe me. I just decided not to bother with fashion for once, I think I can put comfort before beauty every once in awhile, don't you?” She asked almost challengingly, plopping down into her seat.
Prismarine, Blossom, and Diamond each made little noises of agreement, ranging from indiffrent to very adamant. “I think it's adorable.” Blossom practically purred after a moment.
Diamond Crest nodded, crossing her arms. “Does this happen the other way around?” She asked teasingly, making Blossom and Prismarine choke on nothing but spit.
Rosebud blushed softly and snorted a laugh. “Yes actually, I mean sometimes he'll sleep in mine too, with my more neutral shirts of course, and they're way too big on him, but ohhh-” Her heart hitched as she remembered how cute she thought he had been all those nights, balling her hands and flapping them girlishly against her cheeks. “-its the cutest thing!”
She sat in fluttery lovestruck while two out of the other three mares tried to ward off what was to them, uncomfortable mental images.
“She's still got it bad.” Enchanted Blossom teased, unfazed towards such things unlike the easily flustered unicorn and the pastel pegasus who was uncomfortable with anything pertaining to romance.
Everyone suspected the couple would act like newlyweds even when they were old and grey, a prospect that Rosebud wouldn't mind coming true.
From then on the group of mares moved on to talk of other things, moving about Ponyville in a happy quartet well versed in the work of blazing every creatures trail.
* * *
"S'more. . .is that Rosebud's shirt?"
"So what if it is?" Toasted Marshmallow S'more asked, answering Strawberry Sundae's exasperated question, glancing at the hot pink turtleneck that was too long on him, but luckily not baggy.
"Because it's bright pink." Meteor Star huffed, face planting into his hand and glancing around as if hoping no one walking along noticed his association with this neon abomination before him.
"So am I." S'more pointed out with a cheeky grin, flicking his two-toned pink forelock.
Strawberry could only sigh, shaking his head and sharing an eye-roll with Meteor. "You weirdo. . ."
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goldammerchen · 2 years ago
quickly done fave heta ships list:
prussia x everybody (tl;dr)
germany x everybody
just kidding. here:
prussia x hungary: OTP <3... one of my first ships, potential childhood friends to lovers (or not), could be one-sided :D, femdom, etc. they are bickering constantly even this day in canon lol, i love them both so much. also i never have a solified hc for erszi, i like thinking her as gnc, queer, both (new tag: #t4t pruhun)... does any of this mean i think they can work? lol, lmao (maybe). better luck in human aus...! well tbh this is how i interpret all nationverse ships, woops. bound to eventual tragedies, everything is temporary, unable to achieve something akin to normality--not knowing what is like either, ever. not like them can not give it a try while it last! they can always start over again!
prussia x austria: their personalities clash 👍. i am a bit picky about them tho, more than with other ships (their personalities clash 👎)... i like when people make rode dominant 😍. an enemies to lovers and opposites attract ship; it can have similar vibes to other similar heta ships, with their own twist from their own oppositive dispositions.
{btw, imo it was obvious from the beginning that they could be somewhat related due to both being "germanic" countries, fitting hetalia weird logic--also, as the common hc goes, i think they choose the familiar titles to be less alone in this world, instead of necessarely being blood related at all, but, if characters call each other with fam terms well yeah ships between those can be considered incest ships, unless it's fran's big bro fixation thing. now that hima called 'em cousins, that kind of makes the ship more fun to me lol, as nowadays it makes the ship mildly more ""incorrect"" and i am a contrarian piece of shit. in any case, it doesn't fucking matter, this is an old af ship and they're not fucking real.} + + + + + + +
frying pangle! my OT3, and my actual favorite form of the ships above (pruaus and pruhun basically always become frying pangle in my hands), while aushun it's cute, althought they should fight more--add all 3 ships here. same dynamics as above x3 (+ as doomed), with the addition of erzsi and gil both being crazy for rod, so they gotta learn to share, making rod the biggest winner--headaches aside. #🍳; #genderpangle
prussia x poland (and viceversa): ...ship order depends of time period! sub gil endgame. i always liked this ship but i didn't see any fanart in the past (so now we are talking). "i hate you... come back to me!" whole thing ;o;--they inspire in each other so much mixed feelings!
honorable mention of pruliet/lietpru: personally (or how i'd work around it), i like it as gil developing some feelings that will never ever be corresponded :))), that's what he gets after making liet hate him. despite of that i love what the fandom do with both!
talking about these three, liet having to learn to tolerate prussia (enough) and developing feelings in a lietpolpru scenario... love that. aka lietpol+polpru in one, pol must be there lol.
prussia x russia (that order): can't work; looks damn well. i like russia having a crush on prussia who, no matter what, can't quite like him back (at least that's how gil will act!), even if they get to friendly terms and are both menacing together (important point; but i also think that's always short lived). ivan unable to have normal relations in equal terms, something that plagues any of his relationships... otoh, prussia/russia (this order) it's great 👀, i love vanya!!! 💕. toxic :3! toxic overall, but i prefer gilbert *not* completely crushed down, if you know what i mean. tagged mainly with the japanese side of the fandom tag (ユキウサギ; related), translated--switched to the romaji, yukiusagi--reasoning for previous use here.
germany x prussia: generally in that order, and generally one-sided. often i prefer them just as bros (germany&prussia), except when i like to entertain the idea of germany being a little tiny bit weird about his big bro :), big bro who behaves as a proud mom which can be off-putting to humans who know them (expect them to act like maNnly siblings in their twenties so they are ??????). tldr psychodrama potencial, when the story needs to be unsettling...
...and more ships! like btt poly (friends with benefits?) or all kinds of combinations with the 3! he/him dyke bi gil that's a top leaning switch cuz reasons, more sub than dom. him being a voluntary celibate does sounds fun--in or not the ace spectrum--but more interesting imo as ace or not ace yet very peculiar and kinky around sex... anyway: am a multishipper and can be convinced about p much anything (just be fun! these bitches are insane).
now for lud:
germany x italy (and reversed): just a classic. make feli a bit less hetare and more a little manipulative selfish little shit :)--his venetian merchant side, if you want. also remember that lud can also be dumb as hell... (is the "north european hardworkers; south europeans lazy" thing that makes me raise an eyebrow). anyway, make italy a kind AND hedonist person, 100% in love with lud (and him 100% in love with feli), but sadly finding their life styles at times clash too much. make feli a dom, whether he tops or bottoms 4 his big boyfriend. lud being tall doesn't mean he has to top or dom lol (same for ivan!! and sve!!). preferences aside, i love anything with gerita ;w;
germany x france (in any order): eu bros, both can learn a bit from each other (like somebody being more rebel lmao). enemies to lovers mandated from the state... for both surprise, it works! besides, both have a romantic side, as much as lud tries to pretend he doesn't lol. i don't see them being monogamous, which is a plus not a negative. an option when italy and england are too busy, or they are currently in bad terms w them etc... this does hurt both a bit: ainsi va la vie of their kin, better work around that than against it... (also add "i really really really wanted you dead" from fran @ ger lmao)... + frapru redux.
germany x russia (generally in this order): i never think too hard about this one. mmm, let ivan be pampered here? lud its a caring person (perhaps overcompensating for this case tho...). this ship doesn't seems (way too) imbalanced either, compared to other russia ships, without being rusame that has fruk vibes and vice versa (hope that makes sense lmaooo). its literally 2 tough guys that have a soft side.
america x germany (in that order): could be a thing... fuck buddies? can't see them as lovers... can't see america as anybody lover.
(germany as a drummer in england's band.)
when i joined the fandom i loved the gerbel fanart 🥺. can be a one night stand for bisexual homoromantic lud. maybe after a bet with monaco? lol. bel: "i kissed him in the mouth [big step in germany! similar to american soldiers in uk] and i slept with him? uhh...???? i lose a bet :("; germany: *doesn't show it but horny dude stuck in his early twenties*
...plus again any ships. i might not think about them as much as the ones listed, but i still appreciate almost anything that involves faves.
rusame/amerus; fruk/ukfr: rivals! enemies! "i hate/love you, you're the only person who understands/compliments me"
rochu! a classic. add rusamechu / black triangle to make this more unhinged.
like romechu, and i need to get into indchu (and perchu)
loving nedpan lately. japan ships: asakiku, itapan, turkpan, giripan
robul! whatever hima does with them it's cute (and funny) af.
lietpol (married and divorced but still technically together???). more liet ships: lietbela + rusliet.
usuk IF committed to be a freaky ship (in other/more ways other than incest... tho what i dislike its cutesy incest, compared to in dark fiction). otherwise, boring 😴. often great AUs btw... guess my actual issue with the ship it's overexposure from ye olde days.
spaus, spabel (cat!spain in that event 😭), spamano or romaspa more exactly (man people really hate this one too... mentee/mentor, anyone?)
cucan... i wish there was more latam charas but do i trust hima?
...dennor and sufin, i guess??
i don't know what else right now. too many characters (and too many blondes)
i don't feel thaaat super into BL to use fujin for myself (it's literally only hetalia)... that being said, yeah, look all of this. if this comes out(?) as a complete surprise, you didn't read my about *shrug*
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merry-andrews · 8 months ago
First of all I was SCREAMING when I saw my name at the ending notes!!! I really don't deserve to be with great artist such us Vans! T.T
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God, it's so cute reading about disaster husbands dealing with their smoll newborn! also John starting to tear up so fast is my fave thing hhn poor Billy having enough my man can't even roll his eyes in peace thinking that makes his partner upset T.T John having a nightmare about Lena accidentally killing Billy hhn he's such a sweetheart so "Billy don't lean on her!" "don't turn your back at her!" cute how he says that and sounding like his own child is a lil monster despite what he keeps wanting Billy not to think of Lena T.T it's cute how he cares equally about both Lena and her other father (makes me wanna read the fic again just for that part when Billy says he wants nothing with this kid and Homelander says he doesn't plan to fall in love with him!) I can't wait for when Billy proposes and John takes his surname! <3 and that part where he's scared that John went in a shock after delivered the baby.. Billy wanting to kill Homelander for so long but right now he's just.. gah! I wanna hit my head to the wall because of how cute they are together!! how Billy slowly fell in love with his enemy and that cute wholesome scene when he kisses Homelander saying he'll stay right here during the interview so they won't make him cry hhn or kissing little Lena then kisses John's temple.. God, I know, these are so smoll things but hhnn I return back and read them again and again before moving to next part! Gosh!!!! your writing is just soo soo amazing!!! and I laughed like crazy when John told the reporter that he wants another kid too and Billy's heart doing a flip GOSH! I hope they'll have many other babies so! first born is always hard but the next kids will be easier for the mother hehe >:) just saying!!
THANK YOU!! for gifting us a new chapter! I love, love love this fic sooo soo much you have no idea!!! thank you thank you!!! so sorry for long, annoying comment! *blushes* I try my hardest to keep it short and small hehe. thank you again!! <33
Against my own misgivings, I post before the season finishes airing.
I've always wanted to write Homelander with postpartum blues because he seems like someone who would have them, whatever that means, and he would be in denial about having them and judge himself for having them and idk, I want to feel bad for him while he's being slightly insufferable <- all butchlander fic I like in a nutshell
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stealthily · 3 years ago
You know what clouis scenario I really love? While what the game can give us is really cute, I'm super soft for the scenario that it takes Clementine a while, maybe months to realize she likes Louis. Louis falls for her as quickly as he does in the game but she rejects him by the piano, not because she's entirely uninterested but she's just not sure what she feels since it's been such a short time. Like the game shows, Louis continues to be a great friend to her and he decides to hide his feelings for her, though he sometimes can't help but slip (telling her and AJ he'll do anything to protect them, talking about a home he'd like to make with her even when she didn't romance him, that tender hug he can give her before getting on the boat, like hello? he totally crushes on her regardless but respects her boundaries). Then after months of knowing each other, maybe after they went through another dangerous situation where Clementine feared for Louis' safety, she can't help herself anymore and just jumps him and smooches him. Louis is awestruck and tells her he wanted to kiss HER for so long(!!) he can't believe she just kissed him instead(??) and that she actually feels the same and holy shit he's so happy after months of hiding his feelings for her(!!!!) and just- ugh it'd be the cutest thing ever and I want to read a fanfiction or comic about this so bad, haha. Seriously though, the scenario is so good and whether someone will create it or not it's still really sweet to just imagine dammit <33 tl:dr: Louis hiding his feelings for Clementine for months thinking she's not into him when she suddenly grabs and kisses him one day and the boy is just over the moon (as is Clementine upon finally realizing her feelings too) x3
HI LOVELY ANON THIS IS MAKING MY WHOLE DAY BECAUSE OH MY GOD???? I LITERALLY ADORE THIS IDEA. I LOVE a good slow burn/longing dynamic and it'd be so fucking good with these two because like you said, he's always there for Clementine and AJ no matter what-- and I think the idea of Clementine, after all she's been through and losing so many people, slowly coming to terms with the fact that he isn't going to leave them, that all this is permanent, and over months of growing closer just really cementing the idea in her mind that not only is Ericson's her home, but Louis is, too. GOD AND THE IDEA OF ONE PERSON CONFESSING FEELINGS AFTER NEARLY LOSING THE OTHER ALWAYS TUGS AT MY HEARTSTRINGS TOO, UGH. ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS. I know you mentioned whether someone will create it or not, but I also just wanted to say I think you've created an entire scenario here that is absolutely a story in it's own right, and you should be proud of that!!!  because after your message I'm definitely going to keep this headcanon/au close to my heart from now on, so thank you for that <33
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goldenguillotines · 2 years ago
🗣 Nakaou + Ketana
-> A glimpse.. in the past.
"I really like your hair this length Ketana. So soft~ It really suits you!"
Nakaou giggled softly, running a brush through the seadwellers hair.. it was always the purples favorite time- getting a little TLC from his moirail... and getting to play with his hair. He could see the flush appear on his cheeks.. blue and violet.. Those white freckles of his seeming to glow even brighter.. Hahaha cute! He could even hear a soft purr leave his chest.. it was melting away all that stress of his.. getting to see him truly relax.. the nervousness smacked straight off his face. It was great.
Ketana looked away from him.. fidgeting with the pillow that he had snatched from the purples bed.. chewing at his lip as he partially buried his face into it.
"I.. I don't knoww..Uhm. I was told it'd get in the way.. and I should cut it down. I.. uh.. think I should.."
The purple tilted his head, petting the duo bloods hair.. the other hand pulling the brush through the black hair of his.. there was no confidence in that answer.. That definitely wasn't a solid answer... and he knew it
"Is it soMething *you* think you should do or is it just trying to appease soMeone else?"
He was answered with silence.. he was patient. He didn't want to rush him onto responding. If he needed to ponder the question, he would let him. If he didn't want to respond. That was fine as well. They'd just revisit it later if Ketana didn't want to say anything. It would need to be addressed but.. if he just wanted to sit and get his hair brushed so be it. Nakaou was fine with that.
Brush.. Brush.. Brush.. Nakaou hummed softly to himself, he wondered if he'd look nice with long hair like that? Hmm.. He never enjoyed having long hair himself. His hair texture was a nightmare. Always knotted and tangled.. Even now with his hair short as it was- it got fucked up pretty quickly if he wasn't on top of it. He probably would get it cut soon.. Change things up? He always wanted something different. Maybe he'd do something cool.. Yeah! Like all those trolls on the albums he saw at the store!
"... Do you really m->ean that? It.. look nice on me?"
Nakaous ears twitched, picking up on the insecurity behind each if those words. He smiled softly, caressing the side of his head gently..
"I Wouldn't just say that. You knoW iM a pretty honest fucker at all tiMes With ya neheheh x3"
Ketanas sudden look of worry... faded into a small goofy smile.. Full of love.. He was so happy. Fins twitching in delight as he craned his head back. He was always such a fuckin softy. He wanted to give him a giant kiss on his fuckin forehead!! Doof!
"O-Ok... I'll keep it.. since I like.. when brush m->y hair like this."
There was also something deeply hidden Nakaou just didn't get. He was pretty intuitive when it came to Ketana. The guy was glued to his side usually.. but.. That he didn't understand. Maybe.. he'd figure it out with time?
"Hahaha.. Sounds like a deal to Me 'Tana."
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gracekraft · 3 years ago
Where do you come up with these adorable ideas for this beautiful ship?! X3
Well, in short, I am a single yearning lesbian painting Sakuraoi art as comfort food for myself.
But to expand on that, I can relate a lot to both Aoi and Sakura’s complicated relationship with femininity and how people perceive them as women. From Aoi feeling like she has to find a guy to date to be considered feminine to Sakura feeling creeped out at the idea of having a crush or using the word love because she’s had to hide her softer side to be seen as strong and taken seriously in her profession. I see a lot of my younger self’s struggles in their own. I love how these two with their similar struggles and insecurities found each other and formed such a strong bond that they’re nigh inseparable even in the canon of the game.
In my personal interpretation, I like to think that perhaps that deep friendship gradually evolved into romance. Perhaps as they grew closer, they started questioning their preconceived notions of femininity and relationships as they slowly realized that what they were feeling toward each other was love. Once again, definitely projecting here. I also dated a few boys before I figured myself out more, information was just not as widely available growing up as a sheltered kid in the 90s/00s. Danganronpa did also come out around the time I was still in high school, so perhaps they could have had a similar experience.
Perhaps it’s also me drawing a fantasy since I didn’t realize I liked girls until like my last year of college, so I never got to date girls in school really. So maybe some feelings of guessing what that would be like come into play. There’s also something really compelling to me about two girls surviving both through the grueling high school environment and the apocalyptic world outside of it because they have each other’s unconditional love and support.
So that’s like the underlying thesis of what inspires me to draw Sakuraoi. A lot of ideas just kinda float into my mind one way or another. The game itself kinda leaves a lot of blank space as to everything Sakura and Aoi are up to outside of the main plot. I’ve also finely honed my ship art drawing from drawing Pearlmethyst art for like…7 years I think? I am a fantasizing romantic at heart, what can I say.
Some of my drawings have been inspired by cute poses and interactions between Aoi and Sakura in the Anime and the Stage Play. And I’ve of course read more than a few fanfics that got my mind thinking up ideas. Drawing these two doing cute couple-y things gives my brain serotonin so one way or another I figure out something new to draw.
I rambled a bit, but I hope that helps answer your question. Thank you for the ask!
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